Saturday 9 May 2020

The Gates of Enchantment are open

May means Enchantment!
And this round is particularly dear to me.

May will be the month of the Kitsune, the mythical fox spirit of the Shinto folklore. I've always longed for a round dedicated to ancient Japanese lore, and this was the perfect occasion to release some special exclusives!

The Inari Torii functioned as gates to link the material world with the spiritual one, so that humans could bond with the Kami, the Japanese deities. These Torii gates are dedicated to Inarii, kami of fertility, rice, tea, sake and agriculture. Inari is also the kami of foxes.
These gates come in three variations: wood, rocky and ruined, and all of them with the option of having engravings or not.

Since the round is about kitsune, there you are your own Spirit Foxes! They're animesh pets to be rezzed in your land. They come in two coat variations, and three animations: idle, sitting and feeding.

But this isn't over!

As tradition, it will soon begin the amazing Enchantment hunt! Every designer has a prize hidden in their store region. Harshlands prize will be a personal Spirit Fox attachment pet!

This little fox is well hidden in Dragonstone, and you can find some directions by the landing point.

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